
Nadine walked 1⁄4 of a mile, Janet walked 3⁄8 of a mile, and Perry walked 5⁄6 of a mile. Who walked the farthest? How much farther did Perry walk than Nadine?

Accepted Solution

Answer: Perry walked farthest. Perry walked 0.6 miles farther than Nadine.Step-by-step explanation: Divide the numerator by the denominator of each distance. Then: Nadine: [tex]\frac{1}{4}=0.25 miles[/tex] Janet: [tex]\frac{3}{8}=0.375 miles[/tex] Perry: [tex]\frac{5}{6}=0.83 miles[/tex] Threfore Perry walked farthest. Now, you must subtract the distance Perry walked and  the distance Nadine walked: [tex]0.83miles-0.25miles=0.6miles[/tex] Therefore, Perry walked 0.6 miles farther than Nadine.